Liberation Lies

May 20, 2008 at 2:18 AM 2 comments

All those liberation groups that keeping making the headlines are getting on my nerves.

BLA, ULAF, ULAA.* Something with the word “liberation” in them. I swear that there are more acronyms here than the United States government has.

But what are these so called freedom-fighters doing exactly? It seems to me that they’re all preoccupied with making large explosive noises, suiciding other people, and suiciding themsevles and other people. In fact, most of them should be stuck in anger management classes singing, “I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty, and witty, gayyyy!!!”

You would think that they have learned long ago that virulence**, I mean violence, is not the answer. I suppose that their average lifespan is too short for anything to sink in thanks to their lemming-like attraction to suicide bombings. I think they’re pretty immature. It’s like they’ve gone from boys with toys to men with guns, only they’re still stomping up and down trying to get attention.

So grow up, calm down, and try to keep the safeties on your guns. At the very least, get a change of names. It’s really not nice to mislead people.

As for those silly monkey’s jumping up and down shouting “Allah akbar!” while waving AK-47s and RPGs around, I have another post just for you for another time. So try not to crash a plane into anything before or after you get a chance to read it.

*Nothing personal. Just listing a few off the top of Google search.
** A little poke at those nerds over at Mark Keppel who always seem to come out with the most medals in Academic Decathlon. I respect that.

Entry filed under: Politics.

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2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Flora[:  |  May 27, 2008 at 2:06 AM

    Haha, yeah. I hate how everyone’s always killing each other off when trying to “save” the country. If they’re trying to “save” anything, then you’d think that no one would be hurt.

  • 2. Christine  |  June 7, 2008 at 1:50 AM

    does this have anything to do with invisible children? that would the LRA, then. the lord’s resistance army. so ironic -_-x


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